Upgrading to System Platform 2020

Upgrading to System Platform 2020

AVEVA Wonderware System Platform 2020 was released for download April 27th 2020 in the Knowledge and Support Center. The following is a guide through the upgrade from System Platform 2017 Update 3 to System Platform 2020. Remember to backup all data before performing a upgrade. Supported System Platform Versions for Product Upgrade. You can upgrade

Galaxy Backup

Galaxy Backup

Inside ArchestrA IDE it is possible to export automation objects and other parts of your galaxy. If you need to make a complete dump into a .cab file that can be used to restore or create a new galaxy from, you need to use the System Platform Management Console. It is also called SMC and

WonderWare System Platform Can Not Find SQL Server

WonderWare System Platform Can Not Find SQL Server

When installation a stand-alone SQL Express 2014 or 2017 server before installation of WonderWare System Platform, it is almost only default values for the installation process of the SQL server all the way. It is however important to change the default setting in “Instance Configuration” from “Named instance: MSSQLSERVER” to tick the button “Default instance”

Where is BackupGalaxies?

Where is BackupGalaxies?

When creating a new galaxy from a galaxy backup, they have to be placed in the correct folder to show up in the drop down list of Galaxy types to create from. The Base_InTouch.cab, Default.cab, Default_EMPTY.cab and Reactor_Demo_InTouch.cab files can all be found in the following folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\ArchestrA\Framework\Bin\BackupGalaxies System Platform 2017 SP3 on