Dear Players,
We hope you are enjoying the changes that have recently been made to Uthgard. We have also seen great feedback from our loyal players about our recent events and how it helped to progress. Based on that feedback we will bring some more changes that should ease your experience while leveling up. The following changes will be applied to our setup:
Group Bonus Experience
We want to encourage you to build groups and getting into groups easier. There will be a new group bonus depending on how many players are in the group. This bonus stacks with any BAF bonus (Bring a Friend bonus) and will be listed at the same place after a kill. You will see group bonuses of up to +50% XP which will also leverage any other bonuses which come after it.
2 Players |
5% |
3 Players |
15% |
4 Players |
25% |
5 Players |
35% |
6 Players |
40% |
7 Players |
45% |
8 Players |
50% |
The following limitations exist: The bonus considers all players which are not more than 15 levels below the highest player in the group. Also if a player of the group is not in the range of the group (e.g. other zone) this player does not count for the bonus.
Rotating RP bonus for solo/duo/trio
Following the success of our ‘Summer Heat’ event we have decided to add a permanent zone based RP bonus for solos, duos and trios. The bonus will rotate between zones and will be as following:
+20% realm point bonus in Emain Macha, Odin’s Gate or Hadrian’s Wall
The zone rotation will take place weekly on a Monday and we will start with Emain Macha as the first selected zone. Use the /bonuses command to check which zone the bonus has.
Between 02:00 CEST and 11:00 CEST that zone will have a doubled bonus of +40% RP.
Outpost Bonus
The bonus around keeps was altered to the following settings:
Keep owned by Realm: +15% XP
Keep owned by Guild: +30% XP
To benefit from the guild bonus around a guild keep at least one member of that guild should be in your group. It is no longer required that the leader of the group is member of the guild. In Battlegrounds the bonus from a claimed keep will reach the whole zone.
Zone Bonuses
We changed the XP bonuses that will apply to certain zones. In parenthesis you see the combined bonus a full group will see in these zones at a minimum.
+25% XP in Darkness Falls (+87.5%)
+25% XP in Frontiers (+87.5%, around realm owned keep +115%, around guild keep +143%)
+30% XP in RvR dungeons (+95%)
+30% XP in Battlegrounds (+95%, around realm owned keep +124%, around guild keep +153%)
We prepared our Battlegrounds in a way that leveling should be possible in there. Mobs in there will drop RoG items.
Bonus to Tasks and Quests
We also change the experience you will see from quests and tasks.
+50% XP to Kill Tasks
+50% XP to Delivery Tasks
+50% XP to Quests
Underpopulation Bonus
Hibernia will see an additional underpopulation bonus of +10% XP which adds to all zones of Hibernia. This is a temporary measure until realms are more equally played.
We will evaluate weekly if it is still required or if another realm is in need.
Run Speed Changes
We increase the run speed in PvE zones while you are not in combat (Patch 1.75). The improved speed will not stack with any existing speed buff but will stack with sprint. You have to be not involved in combat for at least one minute. More options to travel are planned.
Recharge Merchants at Border Keeps
Recharge merchants are available in border keeps which will allow you to charge your dropped items.
RvR Stable Masters
The Stable Masters stationed in Realm vs. Realm zones have had their pricing adjusted.
Keep Claims
To claim a keep you will need 4 players in your group instead of 8.
There are alot more changes in the queue which we currently discuss and will implement. If you miss a certain change, don’t be afraid, it’s probably already under discussion. We will monitor your feedback on our new changes and are ready to make adjustments if needed. In the next days the focus will also be on bugfixing sessions for important bugfixes which were open for too long. If you have any important bug(s) you want to see fixed asap, you can push it in the issue tracker by adding a comment and/or vote for it.
As always we want to remind you of the changes made so far for the server to make it more enjoyable for you and we will not stop there:
• Dot on map for you and your group members
• Horse routes in RvR zones.
• No realm point penalty while dead for grouped players.
• Starter guilds joined an alliance, so players in there can communicate with other starter guilds realm wide.
• Realm transfer shortened from 7 days to 48h.
• Realm transfer nearly immediate (5 min) if you was not logged in the last 5 days.
• Reworked Alchemy with multiple charge potions.
• Mana Regeneration removed whilst player is sitting.
• Paladin endurance range increased to 1500 units.
• Crafted Weapon Lusters available.
• Hastener Speed of the Realm increased to seven minutes.
• Determination 3 added to: Paladin, Reaver, Valewalker, Champion and Thane.
• /xp off has been implemented.
Your Uthgard Staff