Uthgard and Bestiary Still Being Updated

Work on adding data to the bestiary is still an ongoing project.

Uthgard 2.0 Bestiary, Item Database and Droprate Statistics

Data collected since: January 6th 2017

Database last updated: August 12th, 2024 (1737.7 MB chat.log’s processed)

Unique monsters3600
Unique items8223
Total monster kills385844
Total item drops60876
Total monster locations24561
Number of chat.log’s2482
Number of submitters116

Uthgard: Christmas Celebration Bonuses

A new event is currently live on https://uthgard.net Dark Age of Camelot freeshard. From https://www.uthgard.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=48410

Dear Uthgard players,

yet another year has past. Thank you all for your patience and understanding in these times!
Our Christmas celebrations will start today and the following bonuses will run until January 10th, 2022.

XP Bonuses
100% bonus to XP gain in all zones and dungeons (Solo)
100% bonus to XP gain in all zones and dungeons (2-Player group)
100% bonus to XP gain in all zones and dungeons (3-Player group)
50% bonus to XP gain in all zones and dungeons (4-Player group)
50% bonus to XP gain in all zones and dungeons (5-Player group)
50% bonus to XP gain in all zones and dungeons (6-Player group)
50% bonus to XP gain in all zones and dungeons (7-Player group)
50% bonus to XP gain in all zones and dungeons (8-Player group)
50% bonus to XP gain in all zones and dungeons while not having any pets
50% bonus to XP gain in all zones and dungeons without any max level character on your accounts

RP Bonuses
100% bonus to RP gain in all zones and dungeons (Solo)
75% bonus to RP gain in all zones and dungeons (2-Player group)
50% bonus to RP gain in all zones and dungeons (3-Player group)
20% bonus to RP gain in all zones and dungeons (4-Player group)
20% bonus to RP gain in all zones and dungeons (5-Player group)
20% bonus to RP gain in all zones and dungeons (6-Player group)
20% bonus to RP gain in all zones and dungeons (7-Player group)
20% bonus to RP gain in all zones and dungeons (8-Player group)

Crafting Bonuses
20% increased crafting speed
20% increased chance to successfully craft an item
20% increased chance to gain a crafting skill point

A Merry Christmas to you all!

Your Uthgard Staff

Uthgard: An Ancient Foe

An Ancient Foe invades the Frontiers!
It is upon you to search for the invaders and slay them to claim your reward.

There are a maximum of 5 Invaders spawned out of a potential 17 locations in each of Frontiers.
Killing an Invader will reward 1000 RP for each rewardable player.

Rewardable player:
The one solo player or all group members which has the most participation when killing an Invader.

The first Invaders will scout the Frontiers as of now until September 30th 2021.

Happy hunting!


Uthgard: Late summer bonuses

The following bonuses are available now until September 30th 2021.


100% bonus to XP gain in all zones and dungeons (Solo)

100% bonus to XP gain in all zones and dungeons (2-Player group)

100% bonus to XP gain in all zones and dungeons (3-Player group)

  50% bonus to XP gain in all zones and dungeons (4-Player group)

  50% bonus to XP gain in all zones and dungeons (5-Player group)

  50% bonus to XP gain in all zones and dungeons (6-Player group)

  50% bonus to XP gain in all zones and dungeons (7-Player group)

  50% bonus to XP gain in all zones and dungeons (8-Player group)

  50% bonus to XP gain in all zones and dungeons while not having any pets

  50% bonus to XP gain in all zones and dungeons without any max level character on your accounts

Crafting Bonuses

20% increased crafting speed

20% increased chance to successfully craft an item

20% increased chance to gain a crafting skill point

Your Uthgard Staff

From: https://www.uthgard.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=48302

Phoenix is closing

The Phoenix freeshard is closing down. Developers and administrators wants to stop the server while it is still memorable and do not want to watch a dying out server.

2021-08-06 Friday

– server is going down on august 31st, see forum for more details

– fixed an housing porting issue

– the Arena is now enabled for any group size between 1 and 8, cross realm groups can be build


the player numbers have been declining for a long while, as with any daoc freeshard, this seems like a natural lifecycle.

Statistics from: https://unixgeek.com/phoenix.html

Phoenix is live, first week.

Thank you all for the amazing first week!

We hit a peak of 3573 concurrent players (with 3805 connected clients) yesterday and during the week around 3000 concurrent players around 9 pm CET. Given the performance metrics, it looks like our player cap should be close to 5000.

On to some more technicalities and issues:
We started off with one freeze cause, one crash cause and somewhat regular lags that increase in duration the longer the server is up every 60ish minutes.
The crash cause has been fixed on Wednesday and since then we haven’t had a hard crash. The freeze cause has been found yesterday and a fix has been applied today, Sunday, time will tell if this fixed it for good or if there is another one lurking.

The regular lags are a different story and fixing them will be the focus next week. The first lag usually happens around 30 minutes after a server restart and takes around 1 – 2 seconds, the next one is usually after another 30 or 60 minutes and still takes 1 – 2 seconds and from there it happens around every 60 – 120 minutes and starts to increase in duration, after about 10 – 16 hours of uptime (depending on how many players are online) it reaches a point where the lag duration can potentially be more than 10 seconds which causes an disconnect for everyone which in turn leads to all sorts of fun that ends with a restart being required. 
The stop gap solution we’re doing until a proper fix has be done is to restart about every 8 hours, we’ll try to take posted raid schedules as well as spontaneous raids into account.

In case people care about the technical cause: We have a couple somewhat major memory leaks, npcs/mobs in particular, after a fresh restart the server uses around 25GB ram, after about 10 hours it’s up to 80GB and the pause itself is a stop the world gen 2 garbage collector pause.

Near the end of the week we also ran into a couple auth server issues caused by 3 different DDOS with one of them being rather persistent. This auth server issue should now be resolved but whenever a restart is required with a rather large player count we kind of run into a thundering herd problem, we’ll work on that next week as well.

Learn how to play and connect: https://playphoenix.online/

Uthgard 2.0: Going Forward

From: https://www.uthgard.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=47178

Dear Players,

We hope you are enjoying the changes that have recently been made to Uthgard. We have also seen great feedback from our loyal players about our recent events and how it helped to progress. Based on that feedback we will bring some more changes that should ease your experience while leveling up. The following changes will be applied to our setup:

Group Bonus Experience
We want to encourage you to build groups and getting into groups easier. There will be a new group bonus depending on how many players are in the group. This bonus stacks with any BAF bonus (Bring a Friend bonus) and will be listed at the same place after a kill. You will see group bonuses of up to +50% XP which will also leverage any other bonuses which come after it.

2 Players 5%
3 Players 15%
4 Players 25%
5 Players 35%
6 Players 40%
7 Players 45%
8 Players 50%

The following limitations exist: The bonus considers all players which are not more than 15 levels below the highest player in the group. Also if a player of the group is not in the range of the group (e.g. other zone) this player does not count for the bonus.

Rotating RP bonus for solo/duo/trio
Following the success of our ‘Summer Heat’ event we have decided to add a permanent zone based RP bonus for solos, duos and trios. The bonus will rotate between zones and will be as following:

+20% realm point bonus in Emain Macha, Odin’s Gate or Hadrian’s Wall

The zone rotation will take place weekly on a Monday and we will start with Emain Macha as the first selected zone. Use the /bonuses command to check which zone the bonus has.

Between 02:00 CEST and 11:00 CEST that zone will have a doubled bonus of +40% RP.

Outpost Bonus
The bonus around keeps was altered to the following settings:
Keep owned by Realm: +15% XP
Keep owned by Guild: +30% XP

To benefit from the guild bonus around a guild keep at least one member of that guild should be in your group. It is no longer required that the leader of the group is member of the guild. In Battlegrounds the bonus from a claimed keep will reach the whole zone.

Zone Bonuses
We changed the XP bonuses that will apply to certain zones. In parenthesis you see the combined bonus a full group will see in these zones at a minimum.

+25% XP in Darkness Falls (+87.5%)
+25% XP in Frontiers (+87.5%, around realm owned keep +115%, around guild keep +143%)
+30% XP in RvR dungeons (+95%)
+30% XP in Battlegrounds (+95%, around realm owned keep +124%, around guild keep +153%)

We prepared our Battlegrounds in a way that leveling should be possible in there. Mobs in there will drop RoG items.

Bonus to Tasks and Quests
We also change the experience you will see from quests and tasks.

+50% XP to Kill Tasks
+50% XP to Delivery Tasks
+50% XP to Quests

Underpopulation Bonus
Hibernia will see an additional underpopulation bonus of +10% XP which adds to all zones of Hibernia. This is a temporary measure until realms are more equally played.
We will evaluate weekly if it is still required or if another realm is in need.

Run Speed Changes
We increase the run speed in PvE zones while you are not in combat (Patch 1.75). The improved speed will not stack with any existing speed buff but will stack with sprint. You have to be not involved in combat for at least one minute. More options to travel are planned.

Recharge Merchants at Border Keeps
Recharge merchants are available in border keeps which will allow you to charge your dropped items.

RvR Stable Masters
The Stable Masters stationed in Realm vs. Realm zones have had their pricing adjusted.

Keep Claims
To claim a keep you will need 4 players in your group instead of 8.

There are alot more changes in the queue which we currently discuss and will implement. If you miss a certain change, don’t be afraid, it’s probably already under discussion. We will monitor your feedback on our new changes and are ready to make adjustments if needed. In the next days the focus will also be on bugfixing sessions for important bugfixes which were open for too long. If you have any important bug(s) you want to see fixed asap, you can push it in the issue tracker by adding a comment and/or vote for it.

As always we want to remind you of the changes made so far for the server to make it more enjoyable for you and we will not stop there:

    • • Dot on map for you and your group members
    • • Horse routes in RvR zones.
    • • Bind in battlegrounds.
    • • No realm point penalty while dead for grouped players.
    • • Starter guilds joined an alliance, so players in there can communicate with other starter guilds realm wide.
    • • Realm transfer shortened from 7 days to 48h.
    • • Realm transfer nearly immediate (5 min) if you was not logged in the last 5 days.
    • • Reworked Alchemy with multiple charge potions.
    • • Auto train removal.
    • • Mana Regeneration removed whilst player is sitting.
    • • Paladin endurance range increased to 1500 units.
    • • Crafted Weapon Lusters available.
    • • Hastener Speed of the Realm increased to seven minutes.
    • • Determination 3 added to: Paladin, Reaver, Valewalker, Champion and Thane.
    • /xp off has been implemented.

Your Uthgard Staff

Uthgard 2.0: Summer Heat – Part 2

From: https://www.uthgard.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=47131

Dear players,

The sweltering sun has dried up all the fun! Fortunately the weather forecast calls for another breeze! Enjoy another round of bonuses over the weekend while we are preparing further changes. The wind currents will flow in favor of our Hibernian friends in need.

Hibernian players will receive an additional underdog boost as they stand short on men!



From Friday 10. August 18:00 CEST to 13. August 2018 10:00 CEST you can enjoy the following bonuses:

    • +50% Experience and Money in all areas (Stacks with other bonuses)
    • +20% Experience on top of that for Hibernia
    • +50% Realm Points for anyone who is solo or in a small group of max. 3 players in EMAIN!

(RP bonus applies to player kills only)

See you on the battlefield!

Your Uthgard Staff

Uthgard 2.0: Summer of Love

From: https://www.uthgard.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=47093

Dear Players,

As mentioned in our previous news post changes are now imminently coming to Uthgard. The Staff and the Player Council has begun its work and we see quite productive discussions and decisions already. This is a followup to the ‘Summer Heat – A Look Forward’ news and we would like to inform you of further changes that have been made and are available today.

The following changes have been discussed and carefully thought through in the player council and were voted to be implemented.

    • Multiple Charge Potions
    • The Alchemy craft skill has been reworked. All potions have been upgraded to have multiple charges. You can now craft elixirs, potions and draughts with respective 3, 6 or 9 charges on it. We also removed the upcrafting. This means you can craft the potion in one step from ingredients. In addition the coloring of the different potion types (patch V1.68) was implemented.
    • Auto Train
    • We decided to remove Auto Train from the game in the next days. This will be implemented original as in Patch 1.87. All classes which auto train will be respecced on login. You will see a message when that happens.
    • As reference these are the original patch notes which will apply to Uthgard:
    • ————————-
    • The current autotraining system has been revised. It will no longer punish players who spend points early in their careers.
    • – Characters will no longer auto train skills as they gain levels.
    • – When training a skill that would normally have autotrained, a player will not be charged points up to their character level’s maximum autotrained skill level. Example: An Armsman who has zero slash at level 50 will not be charged for their first 12 points. After 12, they will be charged points normally for that skill.
    • – If you have a higher skill than what would be awarded to you by autotraining at that level, the points that would have been awarded are refunded to your skill point pool. Example: If you have 40 slash, and you hit a level 48, you normally would have been autotrained to 12 slash. Since you have a higher slash than 12, those 12 points are refunded to your pool.
    • – The skill points will be consistent if you train through a trainer or use a respec.
    • ————————-
    • Mana regeneration
    • We have removed the mana regeneration penalty under 50% while a player is sitting. This change will maintain the tactical importance of power management as sitting makes a player vulnerable.
    • Paladin
    • Paladins endurance chant has been increased in range to 1500 units.
    • Crafted Weapon Lusters
    • Alongside the draught potions Alchemy changes players will now be able to craft weapon lusters.
    • Hasteners in RvR
    • Speed of the Realm duration has been increased from 4 to 7 minutes.
    • Determination Realm Ability
    • Paladin, Reaver, Valewalker, Champion and Thane will now have access to Determination up to level 3.
    • /xp off
    The /xp off command has been implemented. You can use it to stop gaining any XP. Use it again to toggle it. It can be useful for players who want to max out their RP in the battlegrounds without exceeding the maximum level of the BG.

There is a lot under discussion which we have to work through and we will soon follow with another set of changes and features. We are excited at the direction the server is taking and we hope you enjoy this news and the news to come.

Before ending this news post we want to remind players of the changes that went live already with our last news post:

    • • Dot on map for you and your group members
    • • Horse routes in RvR zones
    • • Bind in battlegrounds
    • • No realm point penalty while dead for grouped players
    • • Starter guilds joined an alliance, so players in there can communicate with other starter guilds realm wide[/b]
    • • Realm transfer was shortened from 7 days to 48h
    • Realm transfer will be nearly immediate (5 min) if you was not logged in the last 5 days

More to come in the next news. Until then, see you on the battlefield!

Your Uthgard Staff

Uthgard 2.0: Summer Heat – A Look Forward (BIG CHANGES)

From: https://www.uthgard.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=46947

Dear players.

It’s hot out (nearly 37°C it seems) and that can be dangerous! Take a load off and relax in your cooled, air conditioned room and enjoy our Summer Heat XP / RvR event on Uthgard while we implement changes to the server. Changes that will allow Uthgard to grow, progress and hopefully build a better relationship between us the staff and you our players.


From NOW to 8. August 2018 10:00 CEST you can enjoy the following bonuses:

    • +50% Experience and Money in all areas (Stacks with other bonuses)
    • +50% Realm Points
    • +100% Realm Points for anyone who is solo or in a small group of max. 3 players in EMAIN!

(RP bonus applies to player kills only)

Please also take the time to read our statement about the current state of Uthgard and the future outlook for the server.


The idea behind Uthgard 1 shutting down and starting from scratch was to try something that had been a vision of the Uthgard Staff since 2009 – a “classic” experience. Uthgard had at one point followed live patches until things seemingly went off the rails, and we ended up somewhere around 1.80. With that in mind, working backwards towards 1.69 (the then-target), it became clear that a wipe was needed to even out the playing field after 9 years of continuous operation.

When we shut down in January 2014, we hoped to start fresh with the intention: Try and start with the full 1.65 vision, and customize later where needed. It seems quite clear we’ve reached the “where needed” point – and that the community by and large agrees.

With this news announcement, we want to inform you that we are changing our strict 1.65 policy to get the game more playable and enjoyable while trying to keep a classic feel to it. Also note, as some players already asked, there is no wipe planned for the server. All characters and achievements are safe. We had one wipe after 9 years and thats it.


In the upcoming days and weeks we will begin to implement various features and changes that should improve the game. An example of features that will be implemented are as follows:

• Find ways to increase the XP rate, while maintaining a sense of accomplishment
• Reduce travel times and downtimes
• Multiple charges on potions
• Offer quicker ways to get to action, especially in cases where a speed class is not available
• Enable the map dot
• The return of ‘Tinderboxes’, campfires that increase health, endurance, and power regeneration
• Crafting improvement
• Wood for BP
• DF hidden access
• Decrease time required to transfer between realms
• Features that you request and which can be made fit into the game
• Many more changes not listed here

We plan to keep a minimum of a once-per-month news post where we keep you updated and consider and answer feedback we have seen. We would also like to reactivate the player council. If you are interested in a player council position please write a PM. The player council will have more weight in the decision process and will have access to a special forum area where we can discuss issues and develop solutions. This also includes discussing game imbalances which require a patch.


While the specifics of some changes above are still being outlined, we welcome your feedback. The following changes already found their way into the game:

• Dot on map for you and your group members
• Horse routes in RvR zones
• Bind in battlegrounds
• No realm point penalty while dead for grouped players
• Starter guilds joined an alliance, so players in there can communicate with other starter guilds realm wide
• Realm transfer was shortened from 7 days to 48h
• Realm transfer will be nearly immediate (5 min) if you was not logged in the last 5 days

This is a first step that the server is taking. We want your playing experience to improve whilst keeping the balance of the server and thus the spirit of the game alive.

We will followup with more changes in upcoming news and look forward to see your feedback and input regarding these changes and the future of the server.

We look forward to see you back on the battlefield!

Your Uthgard Staff