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Elder's Staff of Thought
Elder's Staff of Thought.

Magical Bonuses:
- Dexterity: 4 pts
- Hits: 9 pts
- Power: 3 pts

Focus Bonuses:
- Enchantment Focus: 43 lvls

Damage Modifiers:
- 14.1 Base DPS
- 4.5 Weapon Speed
- 89% Quality
- 100% Condition

Effective Damage:
- 12.5 DPS
Item typeStaff
Damage typeCrush
Sell value2g 47s 56c
Salvages for44 ebonwood wooden boards
Salvage value41g 34s 24c

Item can drop from these monsters

NameTotal droppedDrop rate
deamhan aeir40.4%