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Statistics for "goborchend piercer" found in Cursed Forest

NameLevel fromLevel toAggroTotal killed
Players killedNumber of players that were killed by this monster
goborchend piercer4853aggressive1356151equal opponent10%
Gear items
NameSalvages forSalvage valueSell valueTotal droppedDrop rate
Ring of Protection 3g 77s 18c523.83%
Shagreen Warden Boots27 diamond metal bars60g 36s 12c483.54%
Shagreen Druid Boots27 diamond metal bars60g 36s 12c4g 25s 40c443.24%
Average per kill4g 9s 53c28s 26c10.61%

Craft items, sell loot and generic items
NameSell valueTotal droppedDrop rate
bag of coins135299.71%
large chest33024.34%
small chest22316.45%
preserved human heart705.16%
goborchend hoof644.72%
aquamarine beryl1g 46s 34c533.91%
black opal2g 48s 62c423.1%
black sapphire2g 64s 3c292.14%
viscous fragrant fluid161.18%
Average per kill19s 7c160.71%

ROG / unique object items
NameSalvages forSalvage valueSell valueTotal droppedDrop rate
Average per kill0%

"goborchend piercer" belongs to faction "Children of Cernunnos"

Kill to INCREASE factionKill to DECREASE faction
Goborchen Vindicator
goborchend gasher
goborchend piercer
goborchend wounder

Zones where monster can be found

Zone nameTotal killed
Cursed Forest1356
Emain Macha21

Locations of "goborchend piercer" in Cursed Forest

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Statistics for "goborchend piercer" in every zone in the realm

NameLevel fromLevel toAggroTotal killed
Players killedNumber of players that were killed by this monster
goborchend piercer4752aggressive1377153equal opponent10%
Gear and craft items
NameSalvages forSalvage valueSell valueTotal droppedDrop rate
Ring of Protection 3g 77s 18c533.85%
Shagreen Warden Boots27 diamond metal bars60g 36s 12c493.56%
Shagreen Druid Boots27 diamond metal bars60g 36s 12c4g 25s 40c473.41%
Average per kill10.82%

Sell loot and generic items
NameSell valueTotal droppedDrop rate
bag of coins137399.71%
large chest33424.26%
small chest22916.63%
preserved human heart725.23%
goborchend hoof654.72%
aquamarine beryl1g 46s 34c533.85%
black opal2g 48s 62c433.12%
black sapphire2g 64s 3c292.11%
viscous fragrant fluid171.23%
Average per kill160.86%

ROG / unique object items
NameSalvages forSalvage valueSell valueTotal droppedDrop rate
Average per kill0%