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Statistics for "koalinth envoy" found in Koalinth Tribal Caverns

NameLevel fromLevel toAggroTotal killed
Players killedNumber of players that were killed by this monster
koalinth envoy2325aggressive2786weak enemy7%
Gear items
NameSalvages forSalvage valueSell valueTotal droppedDrop rate
Fathomless Deepscale Boots5 cobalt metal bars2g 48s 40c96s 91c72.52%
Fathomless Deepscale Helm10 cobalt metal bars4g 96s 80c85s 31c62.16%
Watery Kelp Cloak 96s 91c41.44%
Strung Shell Necklace 50s 40c20.72%
Water Opal Staff36 heartwood wooden boards7g 51s 68c85s 31c10.36%
Twisted Coral Staff10.36%
Fathomless Deepscale Gauntlets 85s 31c10.36%
Average per kill19s 67c6s 65c7.92%

Craft items, sell loot and generic items
NameSell valueTotal droppedDrop rate
bag of coins278100%
large chest3111.15%
small chest155.4%
sunstone19s 79c145.04%
chrome diopside21s 89c72.52%
jasper24s 22c62.16%
cat's eye tourmaline38s 59c41.44%
red spinel29s 66c41.44%
black star diopside26s 80c31.08%
Average per kill3s 35c130.23%

ROG / unique object items
NameSalvages forSalvage valueSell valueTotal droppedDrop rate
Average per kill0%

"koalinth envoy" belongs to faction "koalinth"

Kill to INCREASE factionKill to DECREASE faction
elder tidal sheerie
tidal sheerie
cliff dweller
Koalinth Castellan
Koalinth Diplomat
Koalinth Elder
Koalinth Envoy
koalinth bouncer
koalinth envoy
koalinth guardian
koalinth sentinel
koalinth slinker
koalinth spectator
koalinth warden
koalinth warder
koalinth wrestler
Master of Ceremonies
Pelagian Alliant
pelagian crab
pelagian guard
watery escort

Zones where monster can be found

Zone nameTotal killed
Koalinth Tribal Caverns278

Locations of "koalinth envoy" in Koalinth Tribal Caverns

If yellow dots are not shown, try a single CTRL+F5 to update browser image cache

Statistics for "koalinth envoy" in every zone in the realm

NameLevel fromLevel toAggroTotal killed
Players killedNumber of players that were killed by this monster
koalinth envoy2325aggressive2786weak enemy7%
Gear and craft items
NameSalvages forSalvage valueSell valueTotal droppedDrop rate
Fathomless Deepscale Boots5 cobalt metal bars2g 48s 40c96s 91c72.52%
Fathomless Deepscale Helm10 cobalt metal bars4g 96s 80c85s 31c62.16%
Watery Kelp Cloak 96s 91c41.44%
Strung Shell Necklace 50s 40c20.72%
Water Opal Staff36 heartwood wooden boards7g 51s 68c85s 31c10.36%
Twisted Coral Staff10.36%
Fathomless Deepscale Gauntlets 85s 31c10.36%
Average per kill7.92%

Sell loot and generic items
NameSell valueTotal droppedDrop rate
bag of coins278100%
large chest3111.15%
small chest155.4%
sunstone19s 79c145.04%
chrome diopside21s 89c72.52%
jasper24s 22c62.16%
cat's eye tourmaline38s 59c41.44%
red spinel29s 66c41.44%
black star diopside26s 80c31.08%
Average per kill130.23%

ROG / unique object items
NameSalvages forSalvage valueSell valueTotal droppedDrop rate
Average per kill0%