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Statistics for "pygmy goblin" found in Lyonesse

NameLevel fromLevel toAggroTotal killed
Players killedNumber of players that were killed by this monster
pygmy goblin4244aggressive949956Boss-like5%
Gear items
NameSalvages forSalvage valueSell valueTotal droppedDrop rate
Gem of Spirit Abhorrent 2g 80.84%
Bracer of Frozen Antipathy 2g 85s 36c70.74%
Belt of Dissension 1g 70.74%
Luminous Oversized Pygmy Crossbow55 ebonwood wooden boards51g 67s 80c1g 60.63%
Banded Coral Sleeves14 asterite metal bars31g 29s 84c75s 50.53%
Ring of Cold Abhorrent 1g 40.42%
Luminous Oversized Pygmy Needle Mace5 netherium metal bars16g 76s 70c1g 30.32%
Bracer of Heated Antipathy 2g 85s 36c30.32%
Banded Coral Coif21 asterite metal bars46g 94s 76c50s 30.32%
Banded Coral Boots7 asterite metal bars15g 64s 92c20.21%
Banded Coral Hauberk35 asterite metal bars78g 24s 60c2g 20.21%
Banded Coral Leggings21 asterite metal bars46g 94s 76c1g 20.21%
Banded Coral Gauntlets7 asterite metal bars15g 64s 92c50s 20.21%
Average per kill1g 2s 28c8s 10c5.7%

Craft items, sell loot and generic items
NameSell valueTotal droppedDrop rate
bag of coins90395.15%
pygmy death beads1g 24325.61%
small chest21822.97%
large chest616.43%
pygmy sized ruby idol47s 32c343.58%
green sapphire91s 80c282.95%
violet sapphire1g 23s 25c232.42%
heliodor1g 9s 29c161.69%
precious jasper1g 86s 14c101.05%
aquamarine beryl1g 46s 34c50.53%
yellow diamond1g 65s 4c20.21%
Average per kill37s 93c162.59%

ROG / unique object items
NameSalvages forSalvage valueSell valueTotal droppedDrop rate
Average per kill0%

"pygmy goblin" belongs to no faction

Kill to INCREASE factionKill to DECREASE faction

Zones where monster can be found

Zone nameTotal killed

Locations of "pygmy goblin" in Lyonesse

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Statistics for "pygmy goblin" in every zone in the realm

NameLevel fromLevel toAggroTotal killed
Players killedNumber of players that were killed by this monster
pygmy goblin4244aggressive949956Boss-like5%
Gear and craft items
NameSalvages forSalvage valueSell valueTotal droppedDrop rate
Gem of Spirit Abhorrent 2g 80.84%
Bracer of Frozen Antipathy 2g 85s 36c70.74%
Belt of Dissension 1g 70.74%
Luminous Oversized Pygmy Crossbow55 ebonwood wooden boards51g 67s 80c1g 60.63%
Banded Coral Sleeves14 asterite metal bars31g 29s 84c75s 50.53%
Ring of Cold Abhorrent 1g 40.42%
Luminous Oversized Pygmy Needle Mace5 netherium metal bars16g 76s 70c1g 30.32%
Bracer of Heated Antipathy 2g 85s 36c30.32%
Banded Coral Coif21 asterite metal bars46g 94s 76c50s 30.32%
Banded Coral Boots7 asterite metal bars15g 64s 92c20.21%
Banded Coral Hauberk35 asterite metal bars78g 24s 60c2g 20.21%
Banded Coral Leggings21 asterite metal bars46g 94s 76c1g 20.21%
Banded Coral Gauntlets7 asterite metal bars15g 64s 92c50s 20.21%
Average per kill5.7%

Sell loot and generic items
NameSell valueTotal droppedDrop rate
bag of coins90395.15%
pygmy death beads1g 24325.61%
small chest21822.97%
large chest616.43%
pygmy sized ruby idol47s 32c343.58%
green sapphire91s 80c282.95%
violet sapphire1g 23s 25c232.42%
heliodor1g 9s 29c161.69%
precious jasper1g 86s 14c101.05%
aquamarine beryl1g 46s 34c50.53%
yellow diamond1g 65s 4c20.21%
Average per kill162.59%

ROG / unique object items
NameSalvages forSalvage valueSell valueTotal droppedDrop rate
Average per kill0%