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How to record a chat.log in Dark Age of Camelot

Standard keyboard shortcut to start a chat.log recording in DAoC is CTRL+L.
Recording is started and stopped by pushing CTRL+L, or stops automatically when you log out of the game.

How to make a chat.log that can be used in this bestiary

- You must only log from a single zone, there must not be kills from different zones!
- You must be as close to the monster getting killed as possible, the kill message of the monster is important together with the exp line.
- Keep a distance to other groups to avoid their kills/loot drop getting in your log with a exp line.
- You must know how many players are in your group while logging, or know a average number if group size varied a little. Only 1 player in variance is allowed.
- You must not be the lowest level in a group and only get capped experience from high level monsters / power level, this ruins monster level detection.
-- Please make sure to delve information for all dropped items. This is done by right-clicking item in inventory and then pressing SHIFT+I or click "Info"
-- Please include selling /appraisal of the dropped sell loot, gear and items in the logfile
-- Please include salvage of the dropped gear in the logfile

How to submit a chat.log to be included in this bestiary

Locate the chat.log file at C:\Users\''you username''\Documents\Electronic Arts\Dark Age of Camelot\chat.log
Send your chat.log file to chatlog@disorder.dk
- Rename the "chat.log" file to number of players followed by zone name, f.ex. "8connacht.log".
Please structure the email like this:
Name: your username to be shown in contributions list, no name and it will be "Anonymous"
Link: a link to your website/youtube/whatever you want a link to
Realm: which realm is the chat.log from?
Zone: which zone is the chat.log from?
Group size/solo: are you solo? could be a known group size for the whole time or a average of the group size over time

Information security

All chat.log files will be tested, filtered and parsed properly before entering the database, it is not possible to inject malicious code.
All text from any chat (say/broad/group/guild/alliance/any chat) is deleted as the first thing and will never be saved in the database.