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Statistics for "goblin warrior" found in Black Mountains South

NameLevel fromLevel toAggroTotal killed
Players killedNumber of players that were killed by this monster
goblin warrior89aggressive100not enough data20%
Gear items
NameSalvages forSalvage valueSell valueTotal droppedDrop rate
Arm-bone Scepter4 steel metal bars22s 8c5s 93c220%
Average per kill4s 42c1s 19c20%

Craft items, sell loot and generic items
NameSell valueTotal droppedDrop rate
bag of coins330%
Average per kill30%

ROG / unique object items
NameSalvages forSalvage valueSell valueTotal droppedDrop rate
Average per kill0%

"goblin warrior" belongs to faction "Black Mountains goblins"

Kill to INCREASE factionKill to DECREASE faction
dragon ant soldier
dryad invert
grove nymph
Pixie Queen
pixie scout
tomb raider
apprentice beastmaster
Grilk's bonescraper
Grilk's footscratcher
Grilk's ratmaker
goblin apprentice
goblin beastmaster
goblin cleaner
goblin crawler
goblin fisherman
goblin imperator
goblin lookout
goblin monitor
goblin patrol leader
goblin scout
goblin shaman
goblin warrior
goblin watcher
goblin whip
gray warg
King Smugluk
Mystic Ulfwag
Overseer Tepok
undead miner

Zones where monster can be found

Zone nameTotal killed
Black Mountains South10

Locations of "goblin warrior" in Black Mountains South

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Statistics for "goblin warrior" in every zone in the realm

NameLevel fromLevel toAggroTotal killed
Players killedNumber of players that were killed by this monster
goblin warrior89aggressive100not enough data20%
Gear and craft items
NameSalvages forSalvage valueSell valueTotal droppedDrop rate
Arm-bone Scepter4 steel metal bars22s 8c5s 93c220%
Average per kill20%

Sell loot and generic items
NameSell valueTotal droppedDrop rate
bag of coins330%
Average per kill30%

ROG / unique object items
NameSalvages forSalvage valueSell valueTotal droppedDrop rate
Average per kill0%